Sunday, March 7, 2010

Phillis Wheatley

I was really impressed with this lady's ability to write poetry. I was amazed that she was a slave, and yet was able to write like this and speak multiple languages and have her poems published all while she was younger than 20 years old. This is amazing in itself, because I'm 18, and what kind of things am I capable of writing? Certainly not anything as good as this. Wheatley definitely knows the right words to use and writes very well. I really thought the poem on the death of the reverend was really good. It emphasized the fact that even though death separates us from people here on earth, it's not the final thing. It was very eloquently expressed that the reverend was a very respected man in his city and would be missed terribly; however, it was also expressed that the city and the people in it were joyful at the prospect of being with the reverend again because death isn't the end. I really enjoyed reading this poem, especially when she said that Christ is an "impartial savior". Everyone has the opportunity to be saved, and to know that death isn't the end. The salvation is for everyone, of any race, and I think this was very well-put by Wheatley.

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